Twin Streams Campground, Morris, Pa.
October 31, 2020
Submitted by Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick

1. Call to order: President-Christina Gates called the meeting to order at 3:30PM.

2. Secretary’s Report: Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick reported the Board met through a video zoom meeting April 22, 2020 to discuss the Spring Meeting, Elections and Banquet. The Board voted to cancel the Meeting & Banquet due to COVID-19. Elections were held on line and all results were sent out through a emailing to the General Membership. Those results were: President-Christina Gates, Treasurer-Marsha Stoffa (who ran for another term). 2 Board of Directors were elected: Donna Quante and Meredith Michener. The first business order by President-Chrisitna Gates was to appoint Laurie Stone to fill the seat that was occupied by Dan Rehak, for the remainder of that term which will come up for election in 2021. A motion to accept the Secretary’s Report as presented was made by Meredith Michener and was seconded by Laurie Stone. The Motion Passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer-Marsha Stoffa reported the Checking Account Balance: $7379.00, the Savings Account Balance: $4005.02, and the Pay Pal Account Balance: $1088.28. The money in the Pay Pal Account will be transferred to the Checking Account after the Fall Campout Event is over. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as is by Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis and seconded by Insa Robinson. The Motion Passed.

4. Committee Reports:

A. SDRA: President-Christina Gates, who is also the ISDRA Region 5 Director, reported that ISDRA is moving forward and planning for the Meeting and Banquet June 19 & 20, 2021.  Christina took the time to explain to the new members what ISDRA does for the sport of dog sledding sports. She also asks if all ISDRA members would renew their membership to help maintain their revenue for their operating expenses.

B. Social Media Coordinator: Donna Quante reported posts on Face Book are down and ask if anyone has articles or pictures to please post them on the Face Book page. The page is doing as well as expected during these COVID-19 times. She also reported that there are 19 entries in the Fall Paws Virtual Challenge and only 2 scratches. 

C. IFSS: Steven Davis reported to President-Christina Gates, she explained to some of the new membership a little bit about IFSS, how it sanctions races in USA, Canada, Europe, and South America. She also explained that its main goal is to get Dog Sledding Sports in the Olympics. No date has been set for their Fall Meeting. She encourages drivers of the Registered Breed Class to contact their represenitive. IFSS is planning on handing off its events to the World Championship Organization. The World Championship Organization has much stricter rules in place for the Registered Breed Class pertaining to the Breed Standard. President-Christina Gates will discuss with Steven Davis about sending out a survey to those planning on competing in the IFSS to see how those drivers feel towards this move.  

5. Old Business:

A. Past Events

  1. Summer Campout: Liz Stanaitis reported that the 2020 Summer Campout had a fair turnout. People were looking to get out from the lock down from COVID-19. We had new people at the Campout. Events included drag races, lead dog training, a trip to the Pa. Grand Canyon, BBQ chicken diner, campfire and music by the fire.

6. New Business:

A. Upcoming Events

1. Tug Hill Chanllenge: President Christina Gates reported the dates for this event is February 13 & 14, 2021. She will be reaching out to the County for the requirements for COVID-19 and will be keeping a eye on the changing restrictions. With Tug Hill having such great trails we want to make sure we stay on top and don’t miss the opportunity to have a race there.

2. Grand Canyon Challenge: Mary Beth Logue reported that February 27, 2021 is the date for this event. It will be an 18 mile course and all depends on the COVID-19 restrictions near the time of the event. 

3. Spring Meeting, Elections & Banquet: Donna Quante reported May 8, 2021, the location is in Denver, Pa. Jodi Bailey a Yukon Quest and Iditarod finisher will be the guest speaker. We will be assessing the COVID-19 restrictions closer the time.

B. Board Review of All PSDC Paid Positions: The PSDC Board reviewed the PSDC Officials and Officers Pay Schedule. A motion was finalized to keep the Pay Schedule as it was presented, no changes at this time.

C. Election Committee: President-Christina Gates asks the membership for volunteers for the Election Committee. Those positions up for election will be Vice-President, Secretary and 3 board positions (Laurie Stone, Insa Robinson, and Mary Beth Logue hold these positions now).  Along with Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick, the two volunteers are Jullian Fogelsanger and Meredith Michener.

7. Discuss State COVID-19 Regulations as they pertain to upcoming events:

A. A discussion was held to address any concerns members may have with the COVID-19 restrictions. Examples are how will we mark dogs at a race? We may have to photograph the dogs instead of marking them. We discussed using masks in the starting chute and social distancing. It was noted that participants need to be at the starting chute by their start time that will be posted. President-Christina Gates will be purchasing disposable bibs for races. All Driver Meetings will be outside with social distancing regulations. We may need to rent more Port a Potty’s and may look into a food truck or no food available at the race site. These issues will be finalized at a later time.

8. For the good of the club: The PSDC would like to Thank Liz and Vice-President- Rich Stanaitis for stepping up and organizing the Fall Campout on very short notice. Without their help in locating a place to have the event, locating trails so everyone could run their dogs, cooking meals and having Halloween events our Fall Campout would not have happened. THANK YOU, LIZ & RICH!!

Thank You to President-Christina Gates and to Vice-President-Rich Stanaits for donating the turkeys along with some of the other items we had at this great feast.                                              

The PSDC would also like to THANK Cindy Eddy for her monetary donation and for the decorations, candy and Halloween donations. The PSDC would also like to THANK Ruth Sands for her donation of harnesses, sled drag brake, drag replacement pad and other items.

9. Adjournment: Laurie Stone made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Liz Stanaitis seconded the motion. Meeting Adjourned at 4:14PM.  


By Nancy Molburg