JULY 22, 2022

Submitted by Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick

1. Call to Order: President-Christina Gates called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. Members Present-President-Christina Gates, Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis, and Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick. Members present by Zoom- Treasurer-Donna Quante, BOD:Mary Beth Logue, Insa Robinson, Alice Fitzgerald, Laurie Stone. BOD-Ron Klepadlo. Johnn Molburg was also present to discuss various topics.

2. Secretary’s Report-Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick reported the PSDC Board. Meeting Report from the May 20, 2022 Board Meeting was sent out via email to all members. A motion was made to accept the Report as it was presented by BOD-Insa Robinson and seconded by Treasurer-Donna Quante. The motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer-Donna Quante reported that the PSDC-Saving Account Balance is $6159.66, Checking Account Balance is $6126.97 and PayPal is $93.00. Treasurer-Donna Quante also reported that until the updated information can be made with the Credit Union and Donna has internet and phone service at her new home Marsha Stoffa will continue to work with her to do the Treasurer’s duties. A motion was made by BOD-Alice Fitzgerald to accept the Treasurer’s Report as it has been presented. Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis seconded the motion. The motion passed.

4. Committees

A. Audit Committee

1. Elaine Bartholomew reported to the Board that a discrepancy was found of $250 in the checking account that actually dated back from before Marsha had taken over the books. Elaine suggested we move forward with the Balance $5732.40 as of April 1, 2022. BOD-Insa Robinson made a motion to accept this as the balance as of April 1, 2022. Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis seconded the motion. The motion Passed.

B. Social Media Coordinator: Treasurer-Donna Quante reported that the FaceBook page is running well. She also ask that maybe Jessica Kizmann would possible take over the Social Media Coordinator because with the added responsibility of being Treasurer taking up more time. Or maybe someone would be interested in taking this position.

C. Club Website: Jessica Kizmann does a great job of updating information very timely. The Website is running smoothly at this time.

D. ISDRA Report: Regional Director and PSDC President-Christina Gates reported.

1. The ISDRA Conference had around 75 in attendance and went well. Iditarod musher-Jessie Holmes was one of the speakers and gave a great presentation.

2. Dave Steele (IT Coordinator) & Margaret Harvey (Executive Director) are both retiring their positions. Interested persons should contact Margaret Harvey.

3. The ISDRA website is under major reconstruction. A stakeholder group is meeting biweekly with the website developer/designer to aid in this process, including Christina Gates.

4. The Goal is to modernize the website. Make it more user friendly and more usable across a wider range of devices including mobile. Also, provide easy access to ISDRA resources to members and RGO’s.

5. As of this time the Fat Tire Bike class for winter sports will still be for exhibition only, they are looking to see how much interest this class has. We may reach out to WFRA to come to the fall campout to share interest.

E. IFSS report: BOD-Ron Klepadlo-IFSS Dryland World Cup event accreditation applications are due August 1st . Applications submitted after August 1st will be on a first come first served basis so that USFSS can use all of the regional allotment of accredited races.

5. Events

A. 2022 Spring Meeting- Treasurer-Donna Quante reported that we had a fair turn out. The Guest Speaker, Jamie High of High’s Adventure Gear, gave a great presentation. It’s fair to say everyone enjoyed the meeting, diner, and gag awards.

B. 2022 Summer Campout-Organizer Liz Stanaitis reported we have 39 dinner reservations. Guest Speakers are: Natalie and Andre van der Merwe of Snowdrift Siberians. Expected events are Calcutta, races, lead dog competition, breakfast days, BBQ-Chicken diner, silent auction and awards. People are here setting up at this time. Hopefully the club can resolve the registration process.

C. 2022 Fall Campout and Meeting- Steve Davis will host this event. However, we will need someone to organize the schedule. The plan is to have a boot camp style training session. The trails will be the ones used during the race event held here. The club will pay for the port a johns, and gas for the grill to cook meals. Primitive camping is available and water will be available for your dogs. But not for showers as he is on a well. There also will be a Board Meeting, General Membership meeting and more. The date is October 7-9, 2022, at Richfield Springs, NY. Contact Steve Davis or Christina Gates if you would like to help out.

D. 2022 Port Jervis Demo, Port Jervis NY (October 22-23, 2022). Steve Schifani-organizer will need volunteers, primitive camping is available.

E. 2022 Jersey Devil Sled Dog Challenge, Brendan T. Byrne Forest, Mt. Misery, NJ. December 2-3, 2022. Classes 4 and 6 dog rig, 2 dog bike & scooter, 1 dog bike and scooter plus combined junior class of 3 dog rig, 1 dog bike and scooter to be run concurrently and canicross. ISDRA and IFSS sanctioning. A motion was made by BOD-Mary Beth Logue to accept the Proposal provided by Meredith Michener and Insa Robinson that included both races in NJ. BOD-Alice Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The motion passed.

F. Tug Hill Challenge, Winona State Forest, Lorraine, NY February 18-19, 2023. The TRP has been submitted just needs the insurance and trail map to be official. The Board is ok with everything including putting it out there on Facebook. The Board has put a hold on the registration with byte temporarily tabling that item for now. A discussion was also held about holding a weight pull along with the race and no decision was made until more information is available by talking with those that weight pull.

G. Grand Canyon Event, Grand Canyon, Pa. BOD-Mary Beth Logue this event is discontinued at this time.

H. 2023 Spring Dryland, Brendan T. Byrne Forest, Mt. Misery NJ, March 11- 12, 2023. This event will hold the same classes as the fall event. Meredith Michener and Insa Robinson are the event organizers, reach out to them if you would like to help.

I. Howard Eaton Reservoir Race -BOD-Ron Klepadlo is currently working on getting all the applications, insurance information and submitting this to the parks and borough. At this time no date has been set. Ron is going to proceed further and have more information at the fall Board meeting.

J. Another proposed race from Ron Klepadlo. He is currently getting more information about this course and what would be needed to hold a race at this venue.

K. 2023 Brownfield Maine Event, Brownfield, ME-BOD-Alice Fitzgerald has been meeting with the Maine Highlands Club to co-organize this event. The date is pending currently. Johnn Molburg will be traveling to ME to help evaluate the trails and working with this club. Parking availability & discuss race procedures.

L. Pay Schedule- A motion was made by Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis to maintain the current pay scale that we have for all Club Officials and for Race Officials. BOD-Donna Quante seconded the motion. The motion passed.

6. New Business

A. 2023 Spring Meeting- BOD-Donna Quante and Nancy Molburg are the organizers. A motion was made by Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis to continue having the Spring Meeting at the current venue, the Comfort Inn in Denver, Pa. BOD-Insa Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed. No date at this time has been secured. It will likely be in May.

B. 2023 ISDRA Conference-Late June of 2023, the conference will be coming back to the East coast. Nancy Molburg would mentor an organizer, maybe in the Finger Lakes Region of NYS, possible dinner cruise and wine tasting. President-Christina Gates and Meredith Michener will evaluate possible locations.

C. 2023 Summer Camp out, Twin Streams Campground, Morris, Pa. (date pending).

D. Heat Imaging Research by Ana Jimenez (Colgate University), introduced to me by Dr. Heather Huson. Ana will attend this weekend, Saturday morning and will need test subjects during our Calcutta event.

E. We Thank John and Christina Gates for donating items for the kids’ activities.

F. We as a club are continuing COVID safety protocol at club events, hand sanitizer and masks are available.

G. Alice Fitzgerald’s son has agreed to look into our internet accounts along with Insa Robinson who is currently our go to person.

H. BOD-Donna Quante will be looking into Insurance for Board Members.

I. Proposed SHCA donation of money to the 4 and 6 dog Reregistered Breed Classes at the Tug Hill Challenge. The Board tabled this item till everyone can readthe proposal and will further discuss this at our next Board zoom meeting to be held next week.

J. Speaker Compensation will also be tabled and revisited next week at our zoom Board meeting.

7. For the Good of the Club- how to improve our registration process for events. This item has also been tabled and will be revisited at our upcoming Board Meeting next week.

8. Adjournment- Vice-President-Rich Stanaitis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, President-Christina Gates seconded the motion. Adjournment 9:29 PM.


By Nancy Molburg